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From Friday 06 May 2016

Best Of April 2016

April showers bring May Flowers, or in our case April showers bring muddy fields at Groezrock. Festival season has officially started now April is here, with Groezrock kicking off things in Europe in the most punk rock way. Here’s a whole load of songs our staff think you should

Tuesday 05 April 2016

Best Of March 2016

It’s happened! Winter is finally leaving us! Celebrate Spring with all this great music you might have missed that came out in March and get in the mood for warm weathers, more daylight and the promise of all the summer good times coming your way. Dowsing – ‘Kept Me

Friday 18 March 2016

Prepare yourself for LeeFest’s Skull Ridge with this playlist

Lee Danny did what most sixteen year-olds would do when given the run of the house with one specific warning, no house parties. He completely disregarding his parents’ words of warning and organised his biggest party yet. Inviting friends to build a stage, haul in some sound equipment and even assemble

Tuesday 08 March 2016

Best Of February 2016

Ah February. The month where we feel like winter will never end and the worst holiday of the year, Valentines Day, happens. It’s okay though because through all that doom and gloom (and unseasonable warmth for some staff members) there was great music to keep us all going. Here

Monday 29 February 2016

Best Of….. The Smith Street Band

The first time I heard The Smith Street Band it didn’t click with me. I’m not sure why, but I listened to a few tracks and didn’t get that gut impulse I have with music that sticks in my soul. So I moved on to something else and didn’t

Thursday 18 February 2016

Sauropod take us through the best of Scandinavian

“It packs a punch, is a lot of fun and has a few very welcome surprises,” so said Max Gayler earlier this year when reviewing ‘Roaring At The Sun’, the latest release by Norwegian trio Sauropod. Those surprises arrived thick and fast on the record, delivering brash punk,

Friday 05 February 2016

Playlist: Best of January 2016

We kicked of the new year with a bang, with staff members moving to places all over both sides of the Atlantic. We had a release show with Losing Sleep in London and announced a killer all dayer at the Old Blue Last. Also we listened to a ton

Saturday 26 December 2015

Best of 2015: The Playlist

Christmas is all but over. Yes, there’s still the leftover turkey to chow down on, and the family might not even be out the door just yet. But really, the next few days are about trying to digest all the chocolate you’ve force-fed yourself despite your stomach’s consistent objections,

Tuesday 08 December 2015

An Alternative Christmas Playlist

Once again, the festive season is upon us, and it’s time to prepare for the perpetual bombardment of Christmas songs. Some of them eventually become nauseating; especially for the poor folk in retail who have probably had to hear them since mid-October. That’s not to say there aren’t some

Monday 07 December 2015

Best Of…. November 2015

So we get to the last couple of months of 2015, and what a year it’s been! December’s best of will obviously be our picks from the whole year but before we get into review mode we have one last go at new tracks you should have heard in