Watch the video for Start Static’s new single, ‘Shut Up I’m On It’

By Lee Male

Start Static have released their new single ‘Shut Up I’m On It’ and your old pals Punktastic have an exclusive premiere of the video for you.

We sat down with Start Static guitarist Steve Tap for an update and find out what the future holds for the Scottish indie-rockers.

Hi Steve, so what is ‘Shut up I’m on it’ about?

It’s about having a good time and getting carried away but having someone who’s trying to keep you grounded and tell you about the dangers of drinking too much etc… Probably during said session, in the middle of a party for example hence the “Shut up, I’m on it”. In short it’s about having a good time and wanting to continue doing so.

The video is very lighthearted, was it fun to create?

Absolutely. All of our videos are and have been. We do everything ourselves so try to stay away from just having us playing the song for two reasons. Firstly it’s difficult to film everyone playing the song as someone always has to hold the camera and secondly we prefer to have a carry on. Most of the songs are about going to parties and drinking etc. So try to stay in line with that!

What does the future hold for Start Static?

Hoping to be quite busy. We have 5 new songs recorded and 2 others booked in. We’re hoping to release a tune in the region of every 10 weeks and tour different regions of the UK around each release.