GUEST PLAYLIST: Dearly Beloved

GUEST PLAYLIST: Dearly Beloved

By Glen Bushell

Jan 24, 2017 11:21

There's been a lot of talk about Dearly Beloved lately, and rightfully so. They are gearing up to release their excellent new album, 'Admission'. It's a high energy ride of raw, dynamic punk rock 'n' roll, recorded Dave Grohl's Studio 606.

To celebrate the release, the Canadian garage punk band joined us to discuss some of their influences. They have compiled an excellent playlist of tracks from right across the board, including some of their favourites from The Great White North.

A Tribe Called Red – ‘Virus’ (Featuring Saul Williams and The Chippewa Travellers Drum Group)

A wicked track that’s even more important now in the wake of proposals like Standing Rock in North Dakota, and Kinder Morgan Pipeline in British Columbia.

The Flatliners – ‘Hang My Head’

The Flatliners have been doing incredible work for years. This song from ‘Nerves’ is a testament to the hard work year in and year out that Canadian bands pride themselves on. The songwriting in this band is incredible.

Terra Lightfoot – ‘All Alone’

Our homegirl Terra Lightfoot is lighting a fire in UK, Europe and Canada. ‘All Alone’ is full of sweet licks and her powerful soulful croon.

Black Mountain – ‘Florian Saucer Attack’

This catchy, synthy rock track from Vancouver rockers Black Mountain will have you dancing along with their back and forth vocals and driving guitars.

Like a Motorcycle – ‘High Hopes’

Fun song, ripping band. We played a few shows with them a few years ago and they are awesome! They are about to tour Europe so check them out. Super fun, great energy.

Cursed – ‘R.I.P’

An old hardcore band from Toronto that existed in the early 2000’s. Their impact not only on the hardcore scene not just in Toronto or Canada, or internationally can’t be overstated. Incredible energy and fury.

It’s Everyone Else – ‘Patterns’

From their album released last year. We had the pleasure of sharing the road with this due in 2015 and immediately fell in love with their stage presence, dynamic and sounds. As the band themselves say “too hardcore for the electro kids, too electro for the hardcore kids.” They’re just right for Dearly Beloved.

Russian Circles – ‘Mota’

Sonically, the latest record from these guys is as perfect as their prior releases. This is one of the most inventive bands of the modern era. Absolutely hammering live show.

Yautja – ‘Of Lament’

Nashville’s finest, these dudes will melt your face off with their crushing riffs. Proceed with caution, listener beware.

Run The Jewels – ‘A Report to the Shareholders / Kill Your Masters’

Mike and El-P never fail to impress. Zack de la Rocha feature doesn’t hurt either. Favourite album of 2016 by far.

‘Admission’ is released on January 27th, and is available to pre-order now.