COMPETITION: Win Pierce The Veil goodies

By Tom Aylott

What better way to celebrate the fine weather we’re having than giving you a chance to win some free stuff from Pierce The Veil?

Their new album, ‘Collide With The Sky’, is released on Monday (get ready for a full stream from us), and you can win the following things in two easy steps…

Pierce The Veil ‘Collide With The Sky’ CD Album
Pierce The Veil Wristband
Pierce The Veil Logo T-Shirt (Black) [Small, Med or Large]

The two easy steps are either…

1. Follow (@punktastic) on Twitter
2. Post this message as a Tweet: “Hey, @punktastic, I want to win that @piercetheveil shirt, wristband and album!”


1. ‘Like” Punktastic on Facebook (/punktasticdotcom) and
2. Share the following news story on your wall:

You can also check out two tracks from the release using the SoundCloud players embedded in this article while you’re at it. The tracks are ‘Bulls In The Bronx’ and ‘King For A Day’.