The Drip deliver face-peeling grind straight to your veins

I’m a sucker for HM-2 soaked grind and hardcore, and thanks to good old Relapse Records I may just have discovered a new favourite band in Washington State’s The Drip. Having released their debut album this month in the shape of ‘The Haunting Fear Of Inevitability’, The Drip take Rotten Sound’s basic template (buzzsaw guitar, unrelenting blastbeats, pummelling D-Beat), and marry it to the winding deathgrind of the late, great Massachusetts bruisers The Red Chord to form a neck-snappingly savage new take on grindcore.

This might not be an album to partake in before you’ve had your morning coffee, though on the other hand it could quite effectively replace said coffee as your wake-up call, as it’s a relentless barrage of riffs and thundering drums that, at the right volume, could conceivably wake the dead. If Nails, Trap Them or the notion of being savagely butchered with a rusty chainsaw are your bag, hook yourself up to The Drip.