The Autumn Ravine tease new EP, ‘An Intrinsic Evolution’

By Ben Tipple

Kent four-piece The Autumn Ravine are teasing their newly announce ‘An Intrinsic Evolution’ EP. It follows their ‘The Garden of England’ debut and follow-up single ‘A Little Sleep’.

In the new clip, the band preview small snippets of the each of the tracks set to feature on the record, due for release on the 13th June.

Vocalist Damon Griffiths had the following to say of the record:

To me, ‘An Intrinsic Evolution’ is an EP about our progression, not just as individuals, but sonically as well. As my late teen years ended and my early twenties began my ideologies and views of the world changed dramatically and these new found notions naturally found their way into my lyrics.

All 5 of these songs focus on a specific social subject matter that we feel are important. ‘Narcissus’ is written about a modern interpretation of the Greek mythological character Narcissus, who (in some versions of the tale) drowned himself when he laid eyes upon his own reflection on a pond. He drowned because he admired his own appearance so much he fell in love with it and was unable to let it go. The song is a modern interpretation of this tale, written about someone I once knew who became obsessed with social media status – appearing wealthy, the need to be what society deems as beautiful and ultimately herself, to the point in which she pushed me out of her life for not being up to this social standard. Personally I find it sad that many people live their life focusing on their wealth, social status and physical attributes rather than on the important things in life like knowledge, family, friends and the experiences you share with them, which is an overarching theme across the entire record.

Materialism, ignorance and time being the most valuable commodity are other areas we have tried to explore on this record. We hope that people are not only able to enjoy the songs but that they are also thought provoking and relatable. We see music as more than just an art form; it is a platform in which our opinions and perspectives can be heard. One of our aims with this record was to keep each song different and distinctive in their own right, with a range of styles and sounds incorporated into our existing sound. We feel we have succeeded in doing this and we are thrilled to be releasing the EP and hearing what people have to say about it. It is the product of a year’s work that we have grown to be very proud of.

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