Save Your Breath, All We Have, Luvv @ Clwb Ifor Bach [07/10/2013]

By Chris Marshman

It always feels fucking stupid reviewing an album release show. For any band that puts one on, it’s meant to mark a special occasion in their career. A milestone to show how far they’ve come, the last thing they’ll want to see or even care about is some reviewer from some online site give them shit for it. Tonight is a celebration of a bloody good album coming out, so here’s some words about it.

Opening up the night were Luvv, a band playing their first ever show and they’re decent enough. There’s obviously a bit of work to be done. They don’t look like a cohesive band yet, but in a live environment that sort of thing takes time and there were some mistiming issues here and there. Nevertheless, Luvv are a band who are offering something different to everything else out there at the moment. Their brand of old school, slick rock definitely has its place. It’s up to the band to make sure that place is theirs.

Up next were the Ed Gibbs fronted hardcore mob, All We Have. The band are beginning to ride something of a wave thanks to their ‘Balance & Meaning’ EP and though they don’t play to the most committed of crowds tonight, they still give it their absolute all and once they get into their stride they become a magnificent force to watch. Their set ending ‘I’m Overcome’ sees them play out to what is now a busy room. It’s magnificent and this lot are ones to watch.

Save Your Breath are tonight celebrating the release of their very much accomplished sophomore album ‘There Used To Be A Place For Us’ and what is immediately apparent is that through all the shit and troubled times they’ve gone through as a band while making the album, they’ve come out firmly on top. The band have a mature edge cutting through their pop punk sound now and they’re all the better for it. There’s a sense of belief found in the new songs which make you wonder if they’re out to prove a point this time round. Kristian Richards no longer struggles to sing his more difficult melodies, he’s improved tenfold in that department, so much so that he now looks like the front-man Save Your Breath need. The band close out the night with ‘Nothing Worth Having Comes Easy’ and as the final tones ring out, it’s clear the band meant every word they’ve just sung. Save Your Breath are one of Britain’s best, hard working and honest bands and they have been for a while. Here’s hoping they get the break they deserve going into 2014.