LIVE: Hatebreed, Cardiff Solus 29/02/2013

By Chris Marshman

Tonight sees the legendary Hatebreed return to Cardiff after a fairly long time away and with them come some of the most hardcore fans around. Sadly, Cardiff Solus is nowhere close to pulling the crowd that Hatebreed deserve, but the people who are here are chomping at the bit to see the American hardcore titans.

First things first and it was up to Grimsby’s own Demoraliser to do their best to work the crowd, so it’s pretty unfortunate that they fail to make much of a mark on a crowd who are really only here to see Hatebreed. Demoraliser show undoubted potentetial, and to their credit they don’t seem at all phased by a fairly hostile reception. They have energy and they have riffs, and this kind of experience should go on to make them stronger.

Next up are Black Dogs, who also hail from Grimsby. They fare slightly better than Demoraliser, in that they manage to get about five old men moshing, but it’s still not the greatest of receptions. Frontman Gollo is unfailingly energetic and definitely has what it takes to command a crowd. They could have some good things ahead of them, but I think it’s fair to say that this is probably not the best show they’ve ever played.

Last but not least: the main event, the band the crowd had been waiting for, Hatebreed. It seems as if every single person in the room has been waiting for this moment, with those dwelling in the outer corners moving to the centre to make a sweaty, heaving congregation in the middle of the floor. It’s a reaction that is completely warranted too because Hatebreed are on absolutely top form tonight.

They’ve been doing this for almost 20 years, and they still have as much energy and passion and the songs sound just as good now as they would have at the height of their careers. Frontman Jamey Jasta knows his audience, and he’s a fantastic ball of energy up on the stage. The crowd are a rabid mass of spin-kicking and windmilling lunatics and it’s fantastic to watch.

Hatebreed may not be back in Cardiff for quite some time but it’s clear to see that every single person in this room is making the most of this one moment of seeeing the hardcore legends play in their own town. Hatebreed wrap things up on the anthemic ‘Destroy Everything’, despite the relatively poor turnout, tonight’s show should be considered a complete triumph for the band. Utterly Incredible.