LIVE: Gnarwolves/Cardinals @ Undertone, Cardiff [05/02/2014]

By Chris Marshman

Tonight marks the start of something new in Cardiff, Millionaires – in conjunction with ourselves and our friends at Jealous Lovers Club and Undertone it’s something of a new night for Cardiff, the basic premise is to get some bands who are too big for a 100 cap venue and make them play a 100 cap venue. It’s something that’s brought years of excitement to the likes of Kingston through Banquet Records and the Fighting Cocks so teaming up with Cardiff’s promoters to bring the city something like this makes so much sense.

Undertone is small, as soon as you walk into the venue you can already tell the show is going to be a bit fucking silly. There’s a few inches of headroom but that’s about it… doors open at 8.30 and it’s not long after when Cardinals hit the stage who in all honesty are bloody fantastic tonight, everything clicks together and the band sound tight as fuck. They’re fast becoming one of South Wales hottest properties in pop punk and the band look in their element at this basement floor show.

Fifteen minutes later and Gnarwolves take the stage and what follows is absolutely hectic, from start to sweaty finish the crowd are almost on top of the band, a few even manage to crowd surf in the limited space… ‘History Is Bunk’ ‘Limerence’ and ‘Community, Stability, Identity’ go down fucking incredibly but in all honesty not one song gets a duff reaction here. The band end things on ‘Coffee’ after seemingly peddling through their entire back catalogue plus a few new songs chucked in for the fun of it. You know it’s been a good show when the band themselves are the ones crowd surfing at the end of the show.

Overall, things are getting fucking exciting in Cardiff, if this Gnarwolves show was anything to go by, 2014 is going to be an incredibly good year.