Red Bull Studios Download 2014: They Say Fall

By Tom Aylott

We’re taking a look at a band doing well in this year’s Red Bull Studios Download Festival opportunity and asking them why you should be paying attention to them… this week, we give They Say Fall a chance to get the word out

What is the history of They Say Fall in as few words as possible?

We’re five best friends, who’s friendship blossomed from our passion and connection to music, which constantly inspires us with an insatiable thirst to write and perform our music with the energy that we encompass. For the last three years, we’ve toured the country sharing that outlook with our live show, our EP’s, and the friendships we’ve made.

What made you want to enter the Red Bull Studios opportunity? How did you find out about it…

It’s a fantastic chance for bands to play on the hallowed grounds of Donington Park. As regulars of Download, we’ve seen first hand how positive the atmosphere is, and what an incredible celebration of music and sub culture the festival is. We’ve seen many great bands win the chance to play via Red Bull over the years, and the chance to be forever immortalised within the annals of history at Download is a opportunity we did not want to miss.

What made you pick the song that you picked for the competition?

Poseidon really represents how we approach music, as fans and as musicians. We love music as a whole, and Poseidon is really, a celebration of that. Our only rule from starting this band was that we never restrict our musical output, and to write what came naturally.

You’re flying high in the charts there right now… what are you going to do to keep people voting and keep you in the top 100?

Our current position in the chart really exemplifies how supportive everyone is. No matter where we finish, we’re so grateful for everyone’s investment and support. We feel so incredibly connected and loved. We’ve just released our latest record for free download, and we’re in the process of organising a free show with some other bands we’ve made friends with during this opportunity, to say thank you.

Playing Download Festival is a fantastic opportunity for any band – if you get there, what would you do to make the most of it and what else have you got coming up as a band that you can tell people about?

With the opportunity to work alongside so many other industry professionals, we’ll be soaking up as much knowledge as possible. We always seize the moment when we get on stage. We strive to deliver a hectic, unrehearsed energetic performance and we want to engage and connect with our audience. We want people to walk away and remember us. We’re just in the process of booking a tour/shows, and recording another new record.

Check out the band’s track ‘Poseidon’ over this way and see what you think… Give the band a share over at the Red Bull site if you’re into it, or check out what else is to offer if not!

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