
By paul

Paul: First things first, who are you and what do you do in the band?
Nick: My name is nick i sing in dmouth.

Paul: This interview was supposed to be a bit of a promo piece for your upcoming UK tour…but about 24hrs before I started this it got cancelled! What happened?
Nick: Well….the mainland europe dates for the tour never came through so we couldn’t afford to fly over just for the uk shows. so we had to postpone it until the new year. it sucks i was beyond stoked to go.

Paul: I understand the dates are being rescheduled for 2008…is this right?
Nick: Yep we are coming over maybe in march/april. we are talking to avocado booking about it. so if u read this please go write avocado booking and tell them to bring us over. haha

Paul: I guess you were looking forward to the tour…have any of you ever been to our fair Isle before?
Nick: ya dude. I was born and raised until the age of 7 in Portsmouth, England. so ya being fully english i know my way around a bit. All my family is still there except my parents and brother. So yet another reason i too am “gutted” as the uk kids say these days.haha

Paul: Moving back to more positive thoughts, the album is being released here in the UK through Banquet Records. How did you hook up with those guys?
Nick: We knew about them through our buddies in set your goals. so we talked to them a bit i think and then our management worked their magic and here we are. stoked!

Paul: You’re also on State of Mind Recordings over in the US…how did that hook up come about?
Nick: They just wrote us and said they were interested. we had a few offers at the time and they had the best one. so we ended up going with them. it also helped that they had such a good roster of bands like “this is hell“, “dead hearts” and “death is not glamorous”.

Paul: Stallone’ seemed to really strike a chord with a lot of kids, especially in recent months here in the UK. Did the positive press surprise you at all?
Nick: Ya dude. we get so many online merch orders from the uk. it’s crazy. i don’t know how big we are over there but the fact 1 kid even knows us is crazy enough to me.

Paul: What did you learn from the writing/touring experience of ‘Stallone’ which you took into the recording process for ‘Turf Wars’? Did you set out to do anything differently?
Nick: We kind of did everything the same to be honest. We always rush around and just kinda leave everything until the last minute. I know turf wars was less rushed than stallone but it was still super rushed. haha. thats just how we do shit i guess.

Paul: How would describe the Daggermouth sound to anyone who has not yet heard of you and which three bands would you say are an influence?
Nick: i’d say we are a mix of lifetime/lagwagon/the movielife ? i suck at these sorts of questions. sorry. haha

Paul: Your song titles are nearly always pretty long and very rarely about the song. What comes first – song or title?
Nick: Title always. months before usually too. anything that happens that is funny to us we make into a song title. it seemed like a good idea at the time of making stallone because we never thought anyone outside of vancouver would hear it. then with turf wars we sat there and actually thought about having “serious” song titles. then we said fuck that shit! and kept the ridiculous ones.

Paul: Set Your Goals are starting to raise the profile of the type of pop-punk/melodic hardcore that you can very loosely throw Daggermouth into…have you noticed more people coming to shows/starting bands playing a similar type of music? Which bands are you currently listening to that you’d recommend to our listeners?
Nick: Set your goals? never heard of them. just kidding. we love them. we’re actually going to be playing some shows with them again in a few weeks. Yes i’d say there is a ton more bands in the genre coming out now. we notice it even at our shows. the local opening bands will often be hardcore/pop punk bands. that never happened even like a year ago. everyone would just look at us and think “this isn’t the 90’s buddy!” as far as bands to peep… u should check out “four year strong” they are insane. so good. they are good friends of ours from boston, ma. also u should check out “energy”. also good friends and from boston. boston rules btw if u have never been there. haha

Paul: Is it true the band are named after the fish in Family Guy?
Nick: sure is. it was between daggermouth and stewie’s sexy party. (our guitarist’s name is stu) i’m so glad we choose daggermouth. hahaha

Paul: I was reading up on how you donated money at one point to Mothers Against Drunk Driving – how did that come about and why did you choose that specific charity?
Nick: I’m legally not allowed to talk about it. seriously. the gist of it is we got into a war of words on the internet with nickelback. thats about all i can say. drunk driving sucks i hate it so don’t do it!

Paul: Finally, if you have a message for any of our readers, or anything else you would like to add, please leave it here!
Nick: Ya please check out our record on banquet records. and look out for us in ’08 in europe. Also i can’t believe england isn’t playing in euro ’08 w t f?

Try these three interviews

Interview: Greywind [Reading 2016]

Interview: Arcane Roots [Reading 2016]

Interview: Trash Boat [Reading 2016]