The Gaslight Anthem – American Slang

By Tom Aylott

Following landmark release ‘Sink or Swim’, Gslight Anthem’s rocket in popularity and sophomore album left the band with lazy and not always positive comparisons to Bruce Springsteen, and it’s probably better to refrain from stepping over oft-travleled ground when commenting on the band these days

‘American Slang’ is great summer barbeque listening and the lyrical content is still wonderfully reflective. It’s also a fine relief that the overdone spring echo from the last effort has been toned down.

The whole record is the band picking up exactly where they left off. This means there’s nothing here to really surprise those who’ve been following the band closely apart from the pace coming down a notch, and similar to ’59 Sound, it’s not quite punching with any of the same sort of weight as the debut for substance and longevity.

That said, there’s nothing really wrong with the record. Anyone impressed with the last effort will be at home at here and after a few listens songs like Orphans and Old Haunts stand out, but it’s easy to wonder how quickly the sparkle will wear off. At record number three, Gaslight Anthem come off a bit like someone that has made a great point and just carried on talking and talking – fortunately for the sake of allegory it’s Morgan Freeman talking so, for the now anyway, it’s not that much of an issue.

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LIVE: Neck Deep @ Alexandra Palace, London