Marianas Trench – Fix Me

By paul

Out of absolutely nowhere Vancouver’s Marianas Trench have stormed onto my most played tracks playlist on itunes and with an album like “Fix Me” I can’t see that changing in a very long time. The opening 6 tracks on this release are fantastic pop-rock songs that rival Everclear for upbeat rock with massive hooks and catchy vocals. It’s surprising that this band haven’t been picked up by a much larger record label than 604 records, but credit should be given to this indie label for putting out such a great record.

Named after the area in the Pacific Ocean which is thought to be the deepest part of the earth’s surface, this four piece aren’t well known but with a bit more exposure I can see them really taking off. Album opener “Say anything” is a good indication of what the band are all about – it’s ballsy stadium rock with massive choruses and never out stays its welcome. With all four members pitching in with vocals it sounds really full and very radio friendly. “Decided to break it” is a jumpier effort and again its loaded full of massive guitar riffs and infectious vocal melodies, and already after two tracks you can absolutely love this band. I’d firmly made my mind up about this album by track three, “September”, as the huge chorus makes this song instantly likeable. In fact these three songs alone make “Fix Me” well worth listening to, and I haven’t even covered fifth track “Shake tramp yet”!

Now, do you like the track “So much for the after glow” by Everclear? Want to hear a track that is obviously heavily influenced by it? “Shake tramp” is exactly that. It’s opening accopella doesn’t though bring with it a blast of Art’s vocals, but a sugary sweet “ba ba ba” from the band and then crashes straight into (once again, it must be said) a brilliant verse and an even better chorus. It also reminds me in places of poppier Foo Fighters tracks and that’s testament to some strong vocals and their full and fast sound.

Sixth track “Low” isn’t as appealing as previous tracks, but it’s a solid rock song and makes sure the listener doesn’t ever get sick of the sugary pop songs. It’s a great opening to this album and this means the later tracks have a hard act to follow, and in some cases they do struggle to do just that. This doesn’t make tracks like “Push” or “Skin and bones” bad songs, they are just underwhelming compared to earlier efforts. However even when you think the album is taking a dip in form you’ve got “Alive again” with its computerised opening and “Far From Here” to blast you back into life.

I probably haven’t given an album such a good review in a long time, as the more I listen to new bands the more critical I become, but Marianas Trench grabbed my attention immediately and continue to do so. “Fix Me” is a massive album with killer hooks and catchy vocal melodies and it would be a crime to allow them to remain unknown in the UK for too much longer.


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LIVE: Neck Deep @ Alexandra Palace, London