ZOAX – ‘Is Everybody Listening?’

By Samarth Kanal

ZOAX claim to be a rock band above all else, which is actually reassuring because it means that they haven’t confined themselves to a possibly narrowing genre such as metal-core, post-hardcore or (sigh) Djent. Another advantage of the London five-piece refusing to limit themselves to a particular style is that they’re finding themselves supporting some pretty huge bands and playing at big festivals. However, ‘Is Everybody Listening?’ feels confused and diluted, even as the band manage to provide some genuinely captivating moments within their second EP.

With a title like ‘Is Everybody Listening?’, ZOAX have already laid down the gauntlet. The introduction asks that same question as vocalist Adam Carroll’s voice crescendos over a porno-groove bass-line. It’s an awkward introduction but the next track, ‘Lonely Souls’ pushes it aside and comes storming in with a sharp guitar hook and some excellent vocals. It’s a genuinely absorbing track ridden with a degree of intensity, and the band show here that they’re influenced by bands ranging from metal-core to classic rock.

Lyrically, there doesn’t seem to be a theme – rather, ZOAX fall into that trap that rock music has always fallen into, of nonsensical half-sentences containing empty threats. Examples are easy to find, such as these lines from the first verse of ‘Click’: “Now, here are all the figures that I want embedded in your mind / And if you don’t reach them / I’ll personally hand you the knife”. The lack of any coherence, lyrically speaking, isn’t too huge a pitfall but it does mean that the focus here is on the execution, rather than the content.

Luckily for ZOAX, the delivery is slick throughout this EP. The bass is punctuated by some sharp drumming and the guitars provide a much-needed noise to make everything sound somewhat chaotic. There’s a healthy amount of reverberation to the guitars and the vocals too – the vocals being particularly strong, with that gravelly, aggressive quality that ZOAX thrive on – ‘Zero Point Seven’ is a highlight which makes use of all these qualities.

The downside of all this is that the style does outweigh the substance. Yes, it’s intense at times but the EP ultimately feels pegged back because the production is just too clean throughout. A more concise approach to song-writing wouldn’t go amiss either, as sometimes the tracks drag on and songwriting formulas start to show themselves.

The lasting impression of ‘Is Everybody Listening’ isn’t too underwhelming and there are highlights scattered throughout. However, the potential that ZOAX exhibit at times within this EP dissolves somewhat, which shows that there’s still room for error – even if the EP lasts just twenty minutes.


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LIVE: Neck Deep @ Alexandra Palace, London