Trash Talk – Discography

By paul

Before I start jumping into what I think of Hassle’s 30 song Trash Talk retrospective, with an impressive average song time of one minute and two seconds, I feel I should mention that my first experience of the band was when they supported Paint it Black at the Engine Room in Brighton and I wasn’t overly impressed. The band and their more ‘enthusiastic’ fan base come from the side of hardcore that has a habit of pushing my irritation buttons, and I couldn’t really get into it, That said, I grew up listening to F-Minus, and listening to Shame reminds me of enjoying being really angry as an angsty teenager. It’s balls out, non-stop energetic hardcore, and the part of your head still convinced you should hate everything can’t help but keep listening.

I find it hard to pick out favourites, as most of the songs are over before I’ve had a chance to memorise the name, but Flood, Sacramento is Dead and Luck tend to grab my attention, and more than enough strong material to get me back out to a show and dodging a few carelessly aimed windmills. I couldn’t really offer any room for improvement and Trash Talk a) won’t care and b) there isn’t much I’d change. The band are out there doing what they want, and though I’d say that the songs are over a bit quick and it’s the sort of hardcore that ends up turning into a bit of a hum in my head, it’s a great look back on the band so far, and well worth the asking price.

Tom Aylott

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LIVE: Neck Deep @ Alexandra Palace, London