Trash Talk – Awake

By Tom Aylott

From the sweat pits of East London to Hevy festival, TRASH TALK brought their last album ‘Eyes & Nines’ with all the force of a train in 2010, and now back with new EP ‘Awake’, there’s seemingly no intention of slowing down to be found.

Those who grew up on F-Minus and bands of that irk will have wry smiles for Trash Talk, and though the continual onslaught of “over before you know it” hardcore means ‘Awake’ barely sticks around for nine minutes, every second is the band doing what they do best.

The no-bullshit approach Trash Talk have is undeniable, and though it’s not exactly pushing the “hardcore as a genre” light years into the future, that’s clearly not the point. There’s no denying that they’re right at the top of the pile in terms of actually being listenable and sticking true to their roots, and there’s no doubt the band are enjoying the freedom to make the music they want to make.

If you didn’t like Trash Talk before, you probably won’t change your mind here, but if you did you won’t be let down at all.


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The Plot In You – ‘VOL.2’

LIVE: Neck Deep @ Alexandra Palace, London