The Devil Wears Prada – Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord

By paul

The Devil Wears Prada come from Dayton, Ohio, which I believe is the same town Hawthorne Heights originate from. Sadly, the comparisons end there. While one has sold CDs by the bucketload and are poster boys for an emo generation, the other are probably best known for a film of the same name. It sure as Hell isn’t because of their music. I mean I’m as open minded as the next guy, but all I can hear here is a Cradle of Filth esque growl and some muddy (and bloody) guitar riffs that appear to have been borrowed from a stack of metal and hardcore bands.

Seen it, done it, and got the t-shirt. Several times.

‘Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord’ is nothing short of generic throughout, a record that splutters and spits in fits and starts, chugging away with some bowel-shifting riffs and gut-wrenching screams. Sad thing is, there’s more emotion in a Daphne and Celeste song, as The Devil Wears Prada come across as mere pretenders to the metalcore throne. I don’t like to slag bands off for the sake of it, but this is your typical black-fringe, shops at Hot Topic fodder. I think the Yanks call it mall-punk. I may call it mall-emo. Or crap. I can’t decide which.

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