Rory Indiana – ‘Ruling Class Crooks’

By Jess Tagliani

Brighton quartet Rory Indiana have given the music scene a lot to shout about. Having supported the likes of EMP!RE and Rival States, as well as working their way around the festival circuit, putting in appearances at 2000 Trees and ArcTanGent, this lot have steadily been building up excitement over the last few months. And now, with the imminent release of their EP ‘Ruling Class Crooks’, produced by Chris Coulter, Rory Indiana look set to gain even more traction.

Title track ‘Ruling Class Crooks’ sets the stage and is incredibly empowering from the get-go. Filled with towering riffs and a whirlwind of adrenaline-fuelled energy, frontman Rory Kaye displays his captivating and quirky vocals in full – they’re strong, and lend a power that simmers quietly beneath the layered riffs and drum work.

‘Leave Me’ and ‘Burnout Behaviour’ sees thunderous bass lines build up a huge atmosphere, in which they deliver tracks that are electric and blistering. Dynamic riffs and bold, vibrant hooks come together to create closer ‘Self Sabotage’ – a massive end to an equally huge release.

Even from this short release, it’s clear that Rory Indiana are straining at the reins to be unleashed onto the track. Their tracks roar to life and are filled with slick riffs that are meatier than your Nan’s Sunday roast dinner. Time to sit back and let the chaos unfold.


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