Rogue Faction – Music For Nice People

By Andy

I guess I must just be a total bastard because I don’t hugely like this EP (Music For Nice People…ie not me), but then again that’s hardly going to come as a surprise considering my popularity regarding a few reviews…anyway, on with the show. Rogue Faction are a young quintet that specialise in a strange blend of emo and rock and show plenty of promise but the three tracks on offer here never really kick in and offer anything new or exciting to the casual listener.

With a brave title like ‘Do Or Die’, the opening track suggests a depth and richness in sound that unfortunately does not materialise as RF choose to play safe with familiar images and no real urgency. When you expect a huge crunch you only receive a tame whimper that has got to go down as a missed opportunity, immensely frustrating when you consider that ‘Twice’ has a genuinely fantastic instrumental section that is the best indication of the band’s talents. Even though it’s preceded by a perhaps unimaginative verse and chorus the middle section is astonishingly bold, spaced out guitars phasing all over the place as the drums morph into a huge metronomic bracket for the energetic guitar riffs and pounding bass. Here RF really show themselves to be a band with a future, shying away from predictably soft rock that does them no favours. This part of ‘Twice’ has plenty of bite, definitely enough to suggest that a few more risks would pay dividends.

‘Inside Me’ closes the disc and frankly, it’s more than a little derivative. The quiet-loud dynamic is used to strong effect but when Dan Preston’s voice should soar over the music it slips down a gear and plays safe, a disappointing facet of what could have been a spectacular song. It’s a little harsh, but new bands really need something to distinguish themselves from the pack, and while the ‘Faction have a fair amount of potential there’s something annoying about the same vocal harmonies and the same high-pitched riffing being used almost all the time. So what’s the final verdict? It’s not my cup of chai but it’s not all bad. With a bit more arrogance and the desire to really create the huge sound that is hinted at in ‘Twice’ I think they could go places. If they continue occupying the middle of the road they’ll fade into obscurity.


Three more album reviews for you

Fast Blood – ‘SUNNY BLUNTS’

The Plot In You – ‘VOL.2’

LIVE: Neck Deep @ Alexandra Palace, London