Polar Bear Club – Chasing Hamburg

By paul

I’ll hold my hands up now and await the inevitable flaming. I just don’t get the universal love for Polar Bear Club. It’s like everywhere you look someone is saying how amazing this band is. Granted, they’re pretty good, but I just cannot see why so many people say they are literally the best thing ever. Case in point – ‘Chasing Hamburg’. It’s a good album, but it’s not great. It’s not quite as good as the band’s last album (their first for Bridge 9) either. There’s just something missing which I can’t put my finger on. It’s one of those records where I say ‘this is good, it’s just not great’.

One thing I will say is that this album is actually less flashy production wise than the last record. Matt Bayles has done a very good job in making this sound a little rougher and more ready, making the likes of ‘See The Wind’ sound energetic and fun. Some of the songs here are poppy though – there are a few tracks that jettison the Lawrence Arms/Rise Against sound that I always think of when I listen to PBC and instead you find yourself singing along because the songs are legitimately catchy. But PBC are better when they’re not as instant and not as predictable. ‘Song To Persona’ is a little different and not as expected, which makes it all the better.

I like this record, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think it really stands out and I don’t think it’s something I will listen to repeatedly. I know people will comment and disagree – but that’s the beauty of music.

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The Plot In You – ‘VOL.2’

LIVE: Neck Deep @ Alexandra Palace, London