Pistol Grip – Tear It All Down


Allegedly standing forward as LA’s pride and joy and the answer to all the pop and ska that saturated the area in the 90’s, Pistol Grip, now a fair few years into their services to punk rock offer their third album, “Tear It All Down.” After a brief read of the bands press statement which boasts the quote, “…their infectious sound has earned the respect and praise of anybody exposed since then,” leads me to worryingly ponder whilst I listen to the first track: Am I going to be the first not to be impressed?

Underneath the top draw production on this record, you will find a very basic punk rock band. There’s not a lot that differs between this and a high percentage of guitar based noise that most folks have been listening to for the last 10 years. Verse – Chorus – Verse – Chorus – Solo – Chorus. End. Voila! This 12 track album passes through and is warm and relaxing. From the fast paced “The Network” to the impressive acoustic track “Closing Time.” Pistol Grip at times remind me a little of AFI. The guitar and drum sounds and well worked melodic vocal lines crossed with shouting works a gem. A track like “Never B Another” is a top quality song that I would be content listening to over and over again. A sing a long chorus and infectious lead guitar line. This album maintains this standard through-out and as I pointed out, it may be basic, and it may be something we’ve heard before, from both sides of the pond, but it’s good enough to enjoy and it sure beats most of the drivel we are forced to listen to, and that’s without delving into the world of pop.

Pistol Grip release “Tear It All Down” on BYO records. If punk rock is your thing, then this record will do you proud. I guess their infectious sound has earned them my praise and respect after all.



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