Above Them – / Amistad split

By paul

A quick review because I’m being hassled by the label to get this done (note, please don’t hassle me for reviews. It makes me want to not like you and your release). But because Above Them are quite stonkingly brilliant, this is worth a few words and worth your time and effort. This 7″ is limited to 500 pieces and features two tracks from both bands. Amistad come across a bit like Jawbreaker/Built To Spill and that era of bands. You can tell they’ve come out of the Leeds scene of a few years ago as they have the Bombed Out ‘sound’ (and that’s a compliment) nailed to a tee. They’re a million miles away from their former band of Four Dumb Kids, but the two tracks here are worth listening to all the same.

Above Them are one of the best bands you’ve never heard of and it continues to surprise me that the mainstream music press hasn’t picked up on them. They continue to get better and the two tracks here are fabulous. ‘Who Let Me Down’, in particular, has a bit of an early Hundred Reasons vibe about it. It’s distinctly British but a hard rockin’ amigo all the same. All in all a very solid split release from two very solid bands.

Three more album reviews for you

Fast Blood – ‘SUNNY BLUNTS’

The Plot In You – ‘VOL.2’

LIVE: Neck Deep @ Alexandra Palace, London