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From Saturday 27 December 2003

Products of the Fall – Year of the Hand Grenade EP

Leicester’s Products of the Fall play a brash form of metalcore that wears the influence of From Autumn To Ashes clearly on their sleeves. The quintet formed in 2000 and boast of ‘energetic and explosive’ live performances, which have been spoken of

Lawrence Arms – The Greatest Story Ever Told

It seems like just yesterday the Lawrence Arms unleashed their Fat Wreck debut on an unsuspecting public, but a mere 18 months later they have managed to write, record and release the follow up to ‘Apathy & Exhaustion’ in the form of this tidy but relatively disappointing

Maxeen – S/T

Christmas analogy time. You know when you look at a wrapped present and you think you know what it’s going to be, but you open it and it’s a hundred times better? It’s ace when that happens. But what about the times when you’re almost sure you’re going to

Misterhall – S/T

This four track EP comes from the Surrey quintet known collectively as Misterhall and frankly it’s quite hard trying to chuck them into one particular genre. They’ve got the expanse of sound that Biffy Clyro use, as well as the punchy sensibilities of

Friday 26 December 2003

Ferret get UK deal

Submitted: “Roadrunner Records has announced the completion of a licensing deal with Ferret Music (whose owner used to work for Roadrunner) for the release of material in Europe. Roadrunner will essentially handle select Ferret releases in Europe, including the first official UK releases from some of Ferret’s

Jimmy Eat World – Believe In What You Want DVD

I love music DVDs, especially when they are done right. The live concert, the multi-angle footage, the backstage interviews – it’s essentially what DVDs were made for. Combine the glory of a great release with a fantastic band and sit back and enjoy the wonders of a gig

Most anticipated release of 2004 for me

You can hear clips from the new Get Up Kids record on the intro at

Weezer get busy

From the Weezer mailout: “Both the “Video Capture Device” DVD and the Blue Album Deluxe Edition 2 CD set are both finally, truly nearing completion, after several unexpected delays, and are due by spring ’04 for sure. As soon as release dates are known thay will be

Who won? report that Victory Records have struck a deal with Columbia Records. No details as to what this may entail, but better distribution could well be on the cards…

If you want to ask them a question, email me!

Alexisonfire have a new website up at