Recorded as a taste of things to come on their forthcoming full-length ‘Pale’, Home Schooled laid their two new tracks down in the midst of last winter. Both tracks encapsulate the season’s dark and claustrophobic atmosphere, as well as their message of battling with despair.
“These songs were wrote in a cold garage during the December of 2014 and are precursors to a full length LP which we are currently in the midst of working on,” the band explain. “‘Pale’ describes what it’s like to grow up in a town where ambition is a thing of the past, dealing with the trails and tribulations which that entails, and trying to keep a heavy heart above it all.”
Having released their ‘Take This For What It’s Worth’ EP in the summer, Birmingham’s Home Schooled are set to release ‘Pale’ in the near future, to be available digitally through Struggletown Records.
‘Drain Me’
For more on Home Schooled head to Facebook.