Listen to Real Friends and This Wild Life cover each other

By Ben Tipple

Having shared many stages together, Real Friends and This Wild Life have taken their musical relationship to the next level, having covered a track each.

Real Friends have taken on ‘Looking Back’ by This Wild Life, with the latter tackling ‘Loose Ends’.

“Honestly covering another band’s song never really interested us,” bassist Kyle Fasel of Real Friends told Alternative Press. “For some reason we never latched onto that idea until this, but when the idea came up to cover a song from This Wild Life, it was different. They are more acoustic based while we are a little more energetic. We felt as if the dynamic of covering each other’s songs went beyond most covers bands have done. Not to mention we are huge fans of the band. It was a nice change of pace for us. We were really satisfied with the way everything turned out.”

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