Led By Lanterns Release New Video ‘Save A Life’

By Mike Scott

Birmingham’s Led By Lanterns have released new video ‘Save A Life’. The video has been released to help raise awareness of knife crime in the UK.

On the subject, the band said: “We had no idea that knife crime in the UK was this horrific. There is a knife attack every 4 minutes in the UK alone. After seeing the scale of the angel sculpture, made from thousands of seized or surrendered knives, it really became so real for us and we wanted to help the mission to reduce the number of knives on the UK streets. We suggested that we help spread awareness of the campaign in the only way we could, which was to write and release a song about it all. We called the song ‘Save A Life’.

We’ve met some amazing, strong people throughout this mission including Rachel Webb, who sadly lost her son Tom in a knife attack this January. She has been absolutely amazing in helping us out by starring in the music video. Hearing her story and feeling her emotion first hand has hit us hard. To think that there are countless more people like her, going through similar situations is absolutely heart breaking.

‘Save A Life’ is a lot more than just a song. We really hope that it will make a difference. If just one person reconsiders carrying a knife after hearing the song or seeing the music video, then we would feel like we’ve achieved something.”

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