Fenix TX fans will be pleased to hear there has been an official fenix yahoo club set up. Apparently there’s some surprises or free stuff on offer:-
‘In case you didn’t know, the official Fenix*TX Yahoo! club is up and running. Voice chat with fans from around the world (it’s cheaper than the phone). Post photos and keep up with all the Fenix events in the “calendar section.” This club is for YOU, the fan. YOU have the say with postings, photos, links and calendar events. There will be a few surpises and cool shit happening for club members so get there early! Its free, so register and get started. All you have to do is login at Lechuza Lounge. Oh, and Happy New Year!’
Also, atomtan.co.uk have posted a Fenix interview up you may want to have a look at, if you’re fans of the ol’ river chaps…