Deck Cheese comp question 2!

By paul

So here’s your chance to win the entire Deck Cheese back catalogue, an Eastpak bag AND a VIP pass to the Deck Cheese Xmas bash! All you have to do is answer the following two questions:
Which film premier did Fletcher play at this year?
What TV show did Not Katies do the theme tune for?
Then, when you know the answer to both questions email them and your name, address, age and email to ASAP. You have 24hrs to get in – two winners will be selected and notified by email and on here on Thursday. The gig is this Saturday at the Underworld in London, with Fletcher, Phinius Gage, NoComply and a shedload of Deck Cheese bands on the bill. Don’t enter unless you can go obviously. The answers can be found in the Punktastic news archives… good luck!

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