A number of bands will be infiltrating the space between your ears on various radio stations in the next few weeks.
First up, American Nightmare have recorded a triple bill of live numbers for Radio 1’s ‘The Lock Up. You can hear them from August 3rd at the following link, or by tuning into the show in the early hours of Wednesday morning. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/alt/thelockup/index.shtml
Secondly, Sick Of It All‘s brand new Live In A Dive record can be heard in its entirety on Kerrang! radio from 7-9pm on Saturday August 3rd. You can access Kerrang! Radio from the following address : http://www.kerrangradio.co.uk/
And finally, The Vandals made an appearance on The Lock Up a couple of weeks back, and if you missed it (which is highly likely for all you non-insomniacs out there) you can listen to their own brand of punk nonsense at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/alt/thelockup/index.shtml