The Lion and the Wolf – ‘The Cardiac Hotel’

By Jess Tagliani

The Lion and the Wolf, aka Thomas George, is Thomas’ brainchild and was the reason he quit full-time work in early 2014. It may have been a risky move, but it’s one that has paid off so well – Thomas has performed at prestigious festivals such as Isle of Wight Festival, Slam Dunk, and Hevy, whilst also sharing the stage alongside the likes of Rob Lynch, Northcote, Signals Midwest, and more.

His debut album ‘Symptoms’ was an absolute delight so it can be tricky to recreate that same album, but with a different name, different songs, and at a different period of your life. Thankfully though, The Lion and the Wolf have their latest offering ‘The Cardiac Hotel’ to do just that.

Opener ‘Don’t Fail Me Now’, complete with a mournful organ, sounds rather desperate – lines of “Love, don’t fail me now” ring out, sounding hopeless and despaired. ‘Walk On the Moon’ is turned into an incredibly dreamy track with the jangly piano work that’s layered over the soft vocals. ‘The Pinching Point’ is rich and autumnal, whilst closing track ‘Find the Time’ is incredibly strong. Seeing Thomas’ vocals layered with a quieter female voice in the background, the full band comes together in a superb manner within this track.

There are plenty of poignant lyrics during ‘December’, with lines such as “I was a passenger, a wanderer / and I didn’t make it home”. However, it’s ‘My Father’s Eyes’ that is the truly emotional track off this release – written after his father suffered a heart attack (which he thankfully recovered from), it’s a fitting tribute.

The Lion and the Wolf has created a quietly sad release in ‘The Cardiac Hotel’, but it’s also a release that really shows just how talented Thomas George truly is. Moving, empowering, and truly stunning, it’s perfect for the crisp autumn days that lie ahead.


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LIVE: Better Lovers / Frontierer / Greyhaven @ Electric Brixton, London