InMe – ‘Jumpstart Hope’

By Catie Allwright

Essex-based rockers InMe have been consistently producing music for more than two decades, and it shows. ‘Jumpstart Hope’ has the energy and eagerness of an up-and-comer, but with the cohesion and finesse of five people who have done this before. A follow up to the 2012 ‘Trilogy: Dawn’, ‘Jumpstart Hope’ aims to “stretch daringly across the borders of the rock, metal and prog genres” – and it delivers just that.

If you’ve never listened to InMe before, ‘Jumpstart Hope’ is a perfect starter for ten… literally. The record is made up of ten tracks of soaring highs and intricate lows; powerful vocals, meticulous instrumentals and emotionally-charged lyrics, fueled by lead vocalist Dave McPherson’s own experiences with mental health. Likewise, a seasoned InMe fan wouldn’t have anything to complain about either – McPherson himself suggests that it’s the first time the band has realised their true potential, as bold as that may sound.

After spending the band’s entire career as a quartet, InMe welcomed a fifth member for the first time last year; John O’Keeffe on rhythm guitar. Perhaps it’s his influence that was missing – not to discredit InMe’s stellar discography to date – but O’Keeffe is potentially just that pinch of salt that’s drawn out and enhanced the flavours and talents within the group.

‘Jumpstart Hope’ is a showcase for each band member; Dave and Greg McPherson’s’ vocals complement each other perfectly, with an incredible range from raspy and angry to clean and smooth. The guitar work from Gazz Marlow and Greg McPherson is flawless across the different genres within the album, and Tom Dalton’s drums offer everything from toe-tapping rhythms to progressive, explosive climaxes.

With what is arguably InMe’s strongest lineup to date, and years of passion to channel into an album, ‘Jumpstart Hope’ is the resulting journey through a multifaceted musical landscape. There are upbeat tracks with gorgeous melodies like ‘The Next Song’, ‘For Something To Happen’ and ‘Rogue Waves’, while tracks like ‘Blood Orange Lake’, ‘I Swear’ and ‘Shame’ stay true to their heavier, riffier roots. ‘Clear History’ and ‘Ancestry’ are more gentle and raw (while ‘Alone’ and ‘The Leopard’ are just solid tracks that fall somewhere in the middle).

There’s darkness and hope in almost equal measure, making this album unexpectedly strong and replayable; a powerful record that will surely mark a new milestone in the band’s career.


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