You're browsing the archives From Friday 24 June 2016 Safe To Say stream new track ‘Tangerine’ and announce LP details Back at the end of 2015, Safe To Say vocalist Brad Garcia told us their new material has been designed to distinguish them from others. As their ‘Hiding Games’ EP drew comparisons to the likes of Title Fight and Citizen, their reworked version of ‘Zoey’ moved Safe To Tuesday 31 May 2016 Safe To Say unveil new track, ‘Your Favourite Dream’ Safe To Say have unveiled their first piece of new material since last year’s ‘Hiding Games’ EP. It goes some way to showcase their shift in gears, first hinted at in their reworked version of ‘Zoey’ towards the end of 2015. “I like surprising people,” vocalist Brad Garcia Wednesday 16 December 2015 Safe To Say are embracing change in 2016