A Will Away ‘Here Again’

By Chris Hilson

‘Here Again’ is the first release by A Will Away since late 2015, and it’s worth the wait in almost every way. Having honed their sound on previous EPs – think a more youthful Jimmy Eat World – ‘Here Again’ marks the first step into album territory. There’s a tendency for bands with this sort of emotionally driven sound to over indulge themselves and make the songs much longer than needed. More often than not this drags the album down as you find yourself wading through slow and directionless filler, waiting for the pace to pick up again.

Thankfully, A Will Away steer well clear of that trap with all but three songs clocking in under three minutes. It’s the perfect lesson in delivering quality over quantity as you’re left wanting more not less. It also ensures that the album moves along at a brisk pace, but not once does it sound rushed or poorly thought out. Nor does it outstay its welcome, despite featuring a sizeable thirteen tracks.

The title track ‘Here Again’ is full of melody, texture, and emotion. It sets the scene for the short but sweet blueprint that the rest of the album follows, and although it’s representative of what else A Will Away have to offer, it’s still unique. There are numerous songs that also stand out instantly and you’ll have an enjoyably hard time trying to pick your favourite.

‘Better Reluctant’ is an absolute gem of a song and is arguably the best of the best, closely followed by ‘Into The Light’. Not only has ‘Better Reluctant’ got undeniably infectious appeal but it possesses an honesty and heart that will quickly win you over. ‘Summon Your Savior’ is confident and creative and packs more ideas into its one minute and forty five seconds than other bands manage in a whole album.

Even though they have a few years of gigs and releases under their belts it’s still rare for a debut album to feel this well-rounded, making it almost impossible to find fault with any part of ‘Here Again’. Whether it’s the anthemic ‘Gravity’ or the understated and raw ‘Something Special’ everything is delivered in perfect doses. When it ends a little over thirty minutes after the first chords you’ll find yourself playing it again and again, eager to join A Will Away on another exciting journey.


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LIVE: Better Lovers / Frontierer / Greyhaven @ Electric Brixton, London