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‘Two Deliverences’ from 2016’s ‘Goodness’ is where The Hotelier somehow find themselves revelling in the ecstasy of acceptance on the other side of one of the darkest, most emotionally fragile releases a long time. Lucid, drenched in emotion, and gloriously anthemic; ‘Two Deliverences’ finds a band at their absolute peak somehow pushing the boundaries of what they can achieve even further.
Singer Holden may still feel “clumsy and cumbersome” but he’s found the light, and “when the harsh sun breaks in your stained glass eyes, the refracted light keeps glistening.” A gleaming, intensely positive track from a band who never thought it possible. And it just goes to show, there is always goodness to be found in the darkest of places, and for me, that is enough to shine some genuine light on the blemishes of my own world.